Secure payment

Cuteevil is connected to two secure reference payment systems: Stripe and Paypal
These two credit card payment systems are subject to an SSL type security system (the padlock on the left of your address bar followed by https://). We have adopted the SSL encryption process for our entire site, which is the current reference in data encryption on the Internet. All sensitive data related to payment methods are thus protected.
Payment by Paypal
Avec la solution Paypal vous pouvez régler vos achat par décompte de votre compte Paypal ou par carte bancaire. Ouvrez un compte PayPal gratuitement, et faites vos achats en toute sécurité : votre email et mot de passe PayPal suffisent. Avec PayPal, la création du compte ainsi que tous vos paiements en euros sont gratuits.
Payment by Stripe
Stripe is a major player in online payment with more than 100,000 customer websites Stripe, like all the payment solutions we have chosen, is perfectly secure: your credit card details are never transmitted to us.